Suzie Walker - Rheumatoid Arthritis and Spondylitis

Suzie Walker, Customer

“I am 79 years old and have Rheumatoid Arthritis and Spondylitis. The worst part of my arthritis was neck pain. I couldn’t turn my head in either direction while I was driving, which was a safety factor. My rheumatologist advised me to see a physical therapist. She was great, but after two days the messages and dry needling had no effect on my neck pain. The next step was to see a pain specialist. The doctor did needle injections in my neck—three different places on three separate visits. The injections were only 1/2 millimeter from my spinal cord. There were no results except a very large doctor bill. So back to pain pills. My son then referred me to Blue Sky CBD. My first reaction was MARIJUANA!!! Not me. After reading about it in detail I decided to give it a try. After three days of CBD oil (twice a day) I saw improvement in my neck pain. But being the skeptic that I am, I brushed it off to just a coincidence or a change in the barometric pressure. After one week my improvement kept getting better. After almost three years I am still out of pain. No more pain pills or high doctor bills. I have been blessed. Thank you Blue Sky CBD!!!!!.”

~ Suzie Walker