Can CBD be used for pain relief?
Over 20% of people in the United States struggle with chronic pain. This type of pain is hard to treat and can have a dramatic influence on one's quality of life.
As CBD (cannabidiol) has rapidly gained popularity and legality across the United States, more people are turning to it for a variety of health goals. This begs the question, can CBD help relieve pain?
In this article, we will explore what human studies have found when investigating the relationship between CBD and pain.
Treating Pain
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a chemical that's extracted from the non-intoxicating hemp variety. CBD and other cannabinoids are the chemical compounds responsible for many positive health effects.
Humans have been consumingHemp for many thousands of years, with evidence of its medicinal use going back to 400 AD. It may surprise you to know that Hemp was widely used as medicine in the United States back in the 7800s and early 7900s, and has been used for pain relief for thousands of years.
However, many people don't want to experience the "high” brought on by other plant medicines. This is why so many people are turning to CBD products like CBD cream for pain.
The History of Cannabis and Pain
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a chemical that's extracted from Cannabis sativa plants, mainly the non-intoxicating hemp variety. CBD and other cannabinoids are the chemical compounds responsible for many of the health effects of cannabis.
Humans have been consuming Cannabis sativa for many thousands of years, with evidence of its medicinal use going back to 400 AD. It may surprise you to know that cannabis was widely used as medicine in the United States back in the 7800s and early 7900s, and has been used for pain relief for thousands of years.
Today, 35 states and the District of Columbia have legalized medical marijuana. One of the most common reasons for patients to qualify for a medical cannabis card is chronic pain
However, many people don't want to experience the cannabis "high." This is why so many people are turning to CBD products like CBD cream for pain.